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You can contribute to GRaM workshop through various tracks: through a full paper(upto 8 page), extended abstract (upto 4 page), blogposts , tutorial or participating in the ICML TAG challenge. Submissions to each track will be featured during the workshop's poster session, and a subset of all submissions will be selected for spotlight talks.

Proceedings track

GRaM Proceedings track papers may be up to 8 pages long, excluding references and appendices. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) Volume on Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling

Updated submission deadline:24 May (AOE) 28th May (AOE)3rd June 8pm UTC

Download latex template here.

Dual submission policy: Papers in the Proceedings Track will be archivally published in PMLR. Thus, submissions containing content that has been published or submitted elsewhere must include at least 30% new, unpublished/unsubmitted material. Likewise, to publish a GRaM paper in another venue down the line, authors must add at least 30% new material.

Submission link

Extended abstract (non-archival)

New track!

We solicit short papers as extended abstract with a 4-page limit (excluding references and appendices). This track is non-archival; even though all accepted papers will be available on OpenReview, there are no formally-published proceedings.

Updated submission deadline: 24 May (AOE) 3rd June 8pm UTC

Download latex template here.

Submission link

Blogpost track (non-archival)

We solicit blog post submissions that have tutorial value and act as explainers for (previously) published papers or important topics in the field. In this track, we further encourage blog posts that present opinion pieces, open problems, and reproducibility results, in provided markdown format.

The blog post should not exceed a length of 2000 words.You can find our template here.

Updated submission deadline: 24 May (AOE) 31st May (AOE)12th July (AOE)

Submissions accepted directly via github

Tutorial track (collab notebook only)

We solicit easy-to-use and reproduce collab notebook submissions that have tutorial value for topics of interest to the GRaM community.The submission format is a collab notebook with checkpoint for quick reproducibility. and for (previously) published papers or important topics in the field.

Some guidlines for the tutorials are provided here.

Updated submission deadline: 24 May (AOE) 31st May (AOE)12th July (AOE)

Submission link coming soon!

Topological Deep Learning Challenge: Beyond the Graph Domain

TAG challenge this year expands on the scope and impact of Topological Deep Learning (TDL) — the new frontier of higher-order deep learning. For the first time, participants will explore TDL within a broad new range of contexts and scenarios. Specifically, they are invited to design and implement lifting mappings between different data structures and topological domains (point-clouds, graphs, hypergraphs, simplicial/cell/combinatorial complexes), bridging the gap between TDL methods and an almost unlimited assortment of datasets and use cases. Please see the challenge website for more information. Deadline: 12 July 2024 (AoE)

Submission link coming soon!